Pufferfish FAQs

Puffer Central's FAQs

As an aspiring Pufferfish Keeper, you've got a lot of questions and we are here to help out fellow fish keeping hobbyist!  We've all been there as a freshly new hobbyist in the aquarium hobby just getting into fish keeping and there was many unanswered questions and confusion.

Are All Puffers Saltwater Fish?

No, there are Pufferfish that come from 100% freshwater origins.  As with all fish, some are saltwater-only Puffers that originate from marine habitats, while some come from brackish waterways and can adapt short-term in either freshwater or saltwater.  We specialize in freshwater Puffers and it's our goal to break that notion that Puffers can only be kept in a saltwater tank.

Are Pufferfish Safe An A Community Fish Tank?

Yes and no.  While there are some Puffers that'll do okay initially during the juvenile stage, they will grow up and kill everything they can possible manage to bite and eat.

There are also Puffers that'll do well in a community aquarium with Tetras and other friendly fish.  We keep Pea Puffers in quite a few of our planted tanks and they co-exist with Rams, Tetras and Shrimp totally fine due to the fact that there's plenty of space for them to explore and plants that'll "break their line of sight."