Green Spotted Puffer Fish Care

So many fish hobbyists are fascinated by the adorable Green Spotted Puffer (Tetraodon Nigroviridis).  Not only does it have a curious personality but some may compare it to to a puppy, as it may beg for food from its owner.

It is a shame that many local fish stores and chain pet shops sell these Pufferfish to customers who have no knowledge of how to care for them, leaving the aspiring Puffer fish keeper at a lost as they are unaware of tank mate compatibility and water parameter requirements.  Sadly, these Puffers are returned to the fish store and even worse, there are some fish keepers who will flush them down the toilet. 

The Green Spotted Pufferfish, like many other Puffers, can deceive people with their cute and adorable appearance.  Not only can one be mistaken by their friendly nature when first seeing them inside a fish store tank but little do they know, if added to a community fish tank, the chances are high that most of the fish in the community fish tank will either end up missing or have scales, fins and/or tails nipped up.  Being quite aggressive in nature, the Green Spotted Puffer can live with a handful of select tank mates.  Fellow brackish water fishes such as Monos, Gobies, etc. can be suitable, given there is ample space in the aquarium.

The Green Spotted Puffer is typically wild-caught in freshwater waterways and can also adapt and live in a marine tank but does the best and thrives in a brackish water tank.  The salinity level for this Puffer should be in the range of S.G. 1.008-1.018.  Also be sure to have ample filtration and do weekly water (we recommend twice a week) changes of at least 30% each time.  Due to the fact that the Puffer is scaleless and does not have gill-flaps, they prone to skin issues or other problems such as fungus if the tank conditions are subpar.  The Puffer does fall victim to low temperatures, the preferable range is around 75-82 degrees Fahrenheit.  

Diet is very important to keep the Green Spotted Puffer happy and healthy. A mixture of frozen or live food works wonders and keeps them not only free of hunger but stimulates their curious nature.  Frozen or live bloodworms, shrimp or shellfish such as clams or snails do well in keeping these Puffers well fed.  Snails and other shellfish crustaceans are mandatory as they need to keep their beak trimmed.    

The Green Spotted Puffer is one super intelligent fish, therefore it requires plenty of mental stimulation.  Often times, they can easily get bored and as a result of boredom, you will see the Puffer swim up and down the side of the tank.  Provide plenty of decorations, plants (brackish water plants) and items for exploration such as caves, rocks, etc.  Ne sure to move around the decor frequently to give your Puffer more opportunities to explore their home and find "new scenery."  

When well taken care of, the Green Spotted Puffer is one fulfilling fish to keep and will bring you years of joy to come!

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