Orange Saddle Fugu Puffer

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Orange Saddle Fugu Pufferfish - 'Takifugu ocellatus'

The gorgeous and striking Orange Saddle Fugu Pufferfish is one beautiful fish and frequently referred to by most fish keepers as the Fugu Puffer.  Many also label them as the Saddleback Puffer, the Orange Puffer or an Ocellatus Pufferfish.  

Though many local fish stores list and sell them as freshwater fish, they are a true brackish water puffer specimen and can even adapt and be kept in a marine tank. They require a higher salinity level brackish fish tank in the range of 1.010-1.024 salinity.  The Orange Saddle Puffer will readily accept shellfish (e.g. mussels, shrimp, clams, krill and many other live and/or frozen food such as bloodworms, krill, etc).  

Current size is roughly 3 inches or so.